The Triangular2 distribution The Triangular2 distribution is called so because its density function consists of two triangles. The area of each triangle is 0.5. The range of the distribution is a bounded interval of real numbers. In the Triangular2 distribution the key numbers, “a”, “b” and “c” are interpreted as follows: “a” = The 0%-fractile. “b” = The 50%-fractile. “c” = The 100%-fractile. To get a sensible distribution, the specified values must satisfy: “a” < “b” < “c” DynRisk will reorder the numbers if they do not satisfy these requirements. No further adjustments are needed. Since the area of each triangle is 0.5, this implies that the point where the two triangles meet, is equal to the 50% fractile, i.e., the “b” value. The somewhat strange shape of the Triangular2 distribution, makes it a less popular distribution compared to e.g., the Triangular distribution. Still, the key numbers for the Triangular2 distribution are easier to interpret, and hence also often easier to assess subjectively.